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Fenbendazole and cancer
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John Burns
Posted 4/30/2024 11:15 (#10723788 - in reply to #10723350)
Subject: positive attitude

Pittsburg, Kansas

Good to know.

Cancer seems to be rampant. Probably just my imagination because I am getting old and of course cancer is highly associated with age. If we die young enough not much time to get cancer. If old we have had many years to be exposed to whatever causes it (unless a person considers it all genetics and nothing environmental). I personally believe it is mostly environmental with  genetics predisposing some people more vulnerable to the environmental effects (genetics loads the gun but the environment pulls the trigger, so to speak).

I would take it if nothing else for a placebo effect. I think in chronic illness a persons mental attitude plays a role in recovery. I believe if a person has given up hope the chance for recovery becomes more difficult. If a person has hope they are more likely to take care of themselves and just fare better. So if taking the dog wormer did nothing more than give me hope and encouragement, it would be worth it. Same way for supplements, as long as they were not interfering somehow with whatever medical intervention was going on. A person sure does not want to be taking something that could potentially negate whatever conventional treatments they were receiving.

As far as it actually working (at least for some or even just a few people) there are just too many people with positive results to ignore, in my opinion. Any of the videos that talk about it will have comments below the video like you just provided, either first person or knowing someone it presumably helped. I have not heard of anyone who it has harmed, so why not? It is not like it costs ten thousand dollars a pill (unlike some of the high costs of conventional medical treatment). A low cost roll of the dice with potential help and maybe some positive mental attitude improvement.

Edited by John Burns 4/30/2024 11:40
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