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Spray pattern on t40 and or T50
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Posted 6/4/2024 16:30 (#10763505 - in reply to #10762520)
Subject: RE: Spray pattern on t40 and or T50

Southern Missouri
If you’ll search my texts you’ll read a lot about our tests on our farm of desiccating soybeans with gramoxone, on a warm fall day in 24 hrs you can see where every droplet landed , 32 ft swath is much too wide for us , you’ll embarrass yourself something terrible looking behind a t 40 on a 32 ft swath of gramoxone on green soybeans , we use 25 or 26 and around 11 ft height , this is just our own experience on our own soybeans , takes exact same amount of water to spray 40 acres at two gallons per acre on 26 ft swath as does to use two gallons per acre on a 32 ft swath , only takes a very few minutes for drone to make the 4 or 5 extra passes on that 40 acres doing a 26 ft swath instead of using 32 , big deal , and the job it does actually is a big deal to us
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