Reno Co KS | As a career firefighter, don't intervene. I've seen parents try and pull strings for jr who was struggling in the fire service. They would go to the chief or HR. The academy is too hard, instructors are too mean or expert too much. Parents got involved, even without being asked, and ruined careers. To the point they are no longer in the fire service. News travels fast and no department is going to want to deal with a new firefighter and an over protective parent. We're hiring adults.
You are correct on being in the preferred age group. Hopefully he's had some life experience under his belt. By 27 I'd made a few deployments for the government, started a farm and was knocking on the door with a family.
There's a lot of hoops to jump through to be on a solid department. That's not by accident. You know as well as anyone that we can deal with some unpleasant... stuff.
The fle shot is a mute point for our department. Not mandatory , nor was the covid shot. If he doesn't like that department's rules, there are others out there.
Edited by AP4 6/30/2024 13:07
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