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How big of a pain is it to get 107 or whatever is required to spray?
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Tim swMN
Posted 7/18/2024 22:16 (#10817064 - in reply to #10816678)
Subject: RE: How big of a pain is it to get 107 or whatever is required to spray?

Hendricks MN
5 to 6 months start to finish and a couple of grand. Figure on 20 hours of reading studying for the 107, about the same for the commercial applicator license. Some states the aerial can be added to the private license if your just doing your own. A few hours filling out forms making sure every I is dotted and T crossed. You will have a 3 ring binder full of paperwork by the time you get everything needed. Most of the time is spent waiting.

Edited by Tim swMN 7/18/2024 22:18
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