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Think this would pump fast enough to fill drone.
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Dan Loehr
Posted 7/21/2024 17:30 (#10820550 - in reply to #10820002)
Subject: RE: Think this would pump fast enough to fill drone.

Holland, Indiana (SW IN)
We bought this one thinking it’s slow takes 50 seconds 10 gal pumping straight back
30’ of 3/4” hose could be the problem or small nozzle
Like the pressure auto shutoff 30 psi

Use another pump to adjitate

Pretty cheap online seals still ok but about 1000 acres only of use


Just looked they (TDRforce) make a 3/4 HP $160 on amazon 18 GPM BUT I don't know how long they last OR if the 3/4 HP would out pump our 1/2 HP

Edited by Dan Loehr 7/21/2024 17:43

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