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Watch this if you love cops
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Posted 9/16/2024 13:34 (#10892649 - in reply to #10892370)
Subject: RE: Watch this if you love cops

Agreed. If he shut up, got in the car, and waited for his lawyer, none of this would have happened. Are officers sometimes brutal? Yes. Are they oft times lazy? Absolutely. Generally speaking, they don’t beat people for giggles. Like most government employees, they put forth the minimal effort. Beating someone is tiresome and generally not on the agenda. They are paid the same if they beat someone or not, so the tendency is not to beat.

He is resistant. We do not see the whole video. When the officer tried to pivot him in, he kicked at the officer. That is what the officer was reacting to. How many kicks should an officer receive before responding? How many would the complainers take before responding?

It’s easy to armchair QB.

The other thing about people’s behavior; has arguing with an officer ever paid off? Almost never. Has fleeing ever paid off? Again, almost never. Has resisting ever paid off? Again, almost never.

If the odds are wholly against you if you argue, flee, or fight, why do it?

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