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Mr Green Jeans
Posted 9/16/2024 16:22 (#10892820 - in reply to #10892070)
Subject: Fake calls/fraudulent reports

Have seen what can and does occur when false reports are made. Some are done intentionally to be malicious and some may be due to an over imagination or simply uncontrolled fear. Other reasons exist as well for fake reports made. Some of you in law enforcement are well aware of some other reasons. I won't bother going there.

Here's a true example but I'm not certain why the employee did it. It got her fired. Two men entered a bank together. Both knew each other and arrived at the bank in the same car. The driver wanted to inquire about a loan at this particular bank. The passenger and friend of the driver said he would go inside with him since it was so hot outside. He didn't want to sit out in the heat.

Not certain how long they were waiting inside until multiple police agencies showed up at the bank in a hurry. There were other customers inside and bank employees. All I know is that those two men soon found themselves in handcuffs and were being accused of an attempted bank heist. Both were forced to sit out in the hot summer sun on the ground, handcuffed. And all because of a phony call on them by one female bank employee. She claimed they were acting suspicious and refused to take off their sunglasses. Video and audio from more than angle and camera proved the employee's statements to be completely false.

Those two men were treated like criminals and turns out they had done nothing wrong except the one try to do business with that particular bank. I felt bad for them both. To be handcuffed and forced to sit on the ground, questioned, and then sit out in the hot, direct summer sun was bad enough. You are accused of criminal wrongdoing and were not guilty of anything. To make it all worse, the news media shows up and gets plenty of video footage of the two men handcuffed and sitting on the ground sweating profusely. I've seen other times when phony calls were made against other law abiding individuals. Law enforcement is not to blame in these situations.

Edited by Mr Green Jeans 9/16/2024 16:31
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