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need advice for inheritance distributions
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Lone Wolf Picker
Posted 9/16/2024 19:10 (#10892953 - in reply to #10892257)
Subject: RE: need advice for inheritance distributions

Black Hawk County, IA
GrainTrader - 9/16/2024 06:43

Would the local bank do that for you? I might start there

Do your homework with trust departments. Most are fine, but I dealt with one for an out of state landowner and relative. The head of the trust department couldn’t read maps, or decipher a legal description. Pulled my hair out for two years dealing with her. I finally had a sit down meeting with one of the VP’s and voiced my concerns. He listened, took notes, but that was all the farther it went. Luckily I was able to purchase the land the next year and be free of that mess.
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