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Personal experience from traffic stops
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Posted 9/17/2024 08:16 (#10893626 - in reply to #10893361)
Subject: RE: Personal experience from traffic stops

Nc Ks.
My late teens was the era when we all had a cb radio in our car. Was headed into town one Saturday night in my chevelle ss. When I got to the corner where our county blacktop road met the state highway, there were a couple sheriff's vehicle's parked and I was was approached by one of them. He was mad and wanted to know if I had been warning of their presence there over my cb. As dumb luck would have it, my radio had quit working and I didn't have it in the car. After looking in my car at the empty radio bracket and coax hanging there he said the next time he saw my car it better have new mufflers on it. Said he could hear me coming for several miles, lol. I think that was the last time for the cherry bomb glass packs.
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