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Personal experience from traffic stops
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Posted 9/17/2024 21:29 (#10894453 - in reply to #10893908)
Subject: RE: Story time..............

I was 18.

Last day of high school.

I had what some would consider a “fast car” for 1993.

I hammered down out of the high school parking lot……. Didn’t see the police parked next to the swimming pool.

I was screeming past him.

Slammed on brakes. He jumped out after me threw on the lights and pulled me over three blocks later.

I rolled window down, he said “what n da hell was that?” I said it was my last day of school, and It was stupid.

He said “hold out your hand”. I did.

He wacked it good and said, “next time it’ll be a fine I’d have a hard time affording”….. Cliff was his name.

Good man. And I didn’t do that stupid act again. But have plenty other types since then.

Edited by Newguy 9/17/2024 21:30
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