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Shut Down By Rain
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Posted 9/17/2024 23:04 (#10894545)
Subject: Shut Down By Rain

S.E. Sask.

Again. Not a lot yet this evening but more than enough stop what few combines were working. Early morning shower was enough that I didn't even start up today. Canola swaths were tough to get through last night that I didn't want to push my luck. Guys with driers were cutting wheat and later on canola but I guess it will need drying. 
I was browsing through retired machinery row on what was my uncle's farm recently and recorded a bit of video of the combines. Forgot to include the Huber threshing machine. 

(Dons 95 (full).JPG)

Attachments Dons 95 (full).JPG (63KB - 23 downloads)
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