20 Miles West of Indianapolis Indiana | Why can’t Bob just keep everything separate legally but farm with them physically.? That’s how dad and I do it. Dad owns a full line of equipment if we ever split. I’m slowly buying things that can cover his and mine both for when he retires. Dad farms 1000 acres and I farm 1200. I. The spring we work as one operation. In the fall it’s a little different with the drying system and logistics so I run one combine and “harvest crew” and he runs his combine and “harvest crew”. When someone has no field ready that day they go help the other or if someone gets done completely before the other they load up their toys and crew and go help the other finish.
Dads rented and owned acres will start to become my rented acres in probably 8 years over a 10 year period.
Why can’t Bob and his dad work out a deal like this? Even with dad’s partner involved.
Bob can continue to search for land to buy also. I can’t imagine in todays ag economy someone being able to buy enough land in one swipe that it completely throws the operation off kilter without lottery winnings or 1031 exchange funds….
Edited by GrainTrader 9/18/2024 19:02