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Which Tractor?
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Posted 9/18/2024 19:25 (#10895475)
Subject: Which Tractor?

Southern Ohio
Currently eyeballing 4 tractors and having a hard time reaching a decision, so looking for input.

Background first. Super small acreage right now, but possibility of leasing some land within eyesight to expand vegetable crop and hopefully transition to pasture raised poultry alongside vegetable crop. I currently have 2 Power Kings that are super handy for small tasks, but no PTO and I've reached a limit on hydraulic modifications. Looking for live, independent, or even 2-stage clutch PTO, as well as hydraulic capacity to run my hydraulic implements I've built, or plan to build for the Power Kings. I'm in some poorly treated hardpan clay that I've been fall and spring cover cropping, plowing in the fall and tilling in spring. It's paying off and I'll be looking to continue full till as long as necessary. I have some pretty tight spots and am also looking for a pretty tight turning radius, but I'm not above making umpteen 3 point turns in small plots. Tractor will also get used for drilling holes and/or driving posts, occasional log skidding, running a sickle bar to terminate cover crops, plowing, cultivating, running a rotary tiller, etc.

Here's what's on the menu so far, in no particular order;

65-68 Ford 4000 has WF, power adjust rear rims, select-o-speed, advertised at $2850

David Brown 770, advertised at $3000

Oliver 550 gas, advertised at $3000

Allis Chalmers D14 NF, power adjust rear rims, advertised at $2200

The AC has the highest hydraulic pressure and lowest flow, but may also have the narrowest turning radius, also the cheapest and nearest. The Ford is being sold by the same person, so I'll be able to be eyes and hands on with these this week. Both the Oliver and David Brown are about 2 hours away, so if I go see one of those, I'll probably be bringing it back. Whichever one I end up with, if any of these, will get a hydraulic line plumbed out to a multi-spool valve to control single and double acting cylinders and a motor control valve. Pressure is easier to lower than raise, but more flow is usually better too. I built one of my PKs to run 8 gpm at about 2000psi relief (1700-1800 continuous), the other will probably only get a 4-6 gpm pump to keep belts on longer.

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