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Which Tractor?
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Posted 9/18/2024 22:29 (#10895752 - in reply to #10895716)
Subject: RE: Which Tractor?

Southern Ohio
I'm limited on my overall height. If I can't get it into my garage, I won't watch it sit outside and rot. I need to be able to get it inside to work on it as well while I'm still on this property. Comfortable limit is $3K. Anything in JD colors here automatically doubles the cost (at least), and as a do everything myself mechanic, I won't even advertise those colors for the way they have treated those decide to fix things themselves. I'll leave it at that though.

Again, the turning radius on a MF 135 without brakes is in excess of 19'. I'm not opposed to making 3 point turns everyone in at one end of my run, but not both and not a million point turn in my narrow spots. Unfortunately, turning space is at a premium.
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