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controller address for JD S series combine notifications
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Posted 9/19/2024 06:26 (#10895870 - in reply to #10894988)
Subject: RE: controller address for JD S series combine notifications

Near Intersection of I-35 & I-90 Southern Mn.
I don't have an answer for you since I'm part of the "always swing the auger back crowd". However there must be a way to disable the "auger out" alarm since the vast majority of my neighbors with S series Deere combines operate that way. I can't believe they are just tolerating the alarm.

I don't approve of this practice for several reasons but it's their choice. I actually use the "auger out" as a signal to the cart operator to catch me. When I fold the auger back it is the signal to him that I'm done unloading and he can pull away.

Does the alarm eventually "give up". I have seen some vehicles where the seatbelt warning just "gives up" after a while and stays silent.
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