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This will raise the cost of living, pretty much a money pit
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Boone & Crockett
Posted 12/1/2024 15:34 (#10990741 - in reply to #10990729)
Subject: RE: This will raise the cost of living, pretty much a money pit

Carlisle Cobra - 12/1/2024 15:27

I'm a younger guy raising a young family, and find it comical when people my age complain about grocery, daycare, or utility prices, but will go to a bar in a vehicle they are making large payments on while their spouse has another in the garage they are also making payments on, and buy 4-8 dollar drinks for 3 to 4 hours. They don't want to give 5 bucks for a gallon of milk that will last a family 4-7 days, but will give 5 bucks for a drink that lasts them 20 minutes.
I must be drinking too much milk, a gallon only lasts me two days, tops. And that’s just me, my wife doesn’t drink milk.
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