southeast nebraska | Reality speaks - 12/3/2024 23:11
more fake news (studies) from the folks trying to suck more and more capital out of your pocket into theirs.
As soon as they get real life range and recharging times comparable to a gasoline powered vehicle at a cheaper price point and with zero govt give aways to either the buyer or the sellers maybe then the EV will be ready for prime time.
Ford made cars cheaper and paid their help higher wages when the Model T took over the world. Prior to that cars were a luxury item nor where near what the common man could afford and not a dime from Uncle Sugar to get people to accept this new fangle thing.
And they will never overcome the laws of physics in regards to energy density of liquid hydrocarbons vs. Electrical battery technology.
Evehreybotty knows dem dar electricities are free, plenty to be had, no brownout / blackouts anywhere and all dat der envireomentally wastey thingy created by making all dem dar elctric whirlymajiggy towers is actually good for da enveromenty. Battery waste, pfft just like eco friendly fertilizer for dah unicorns to eat.
Sheesh, next your gonna tell me that we actually really have no idea what the real temperature for the planet should be because the amount of time we can see evidence of the temperature vs the age of the planet would be the equivalent of taking a persons temperature for 1 ten billionth of a second and saying "yup, dats it, dats dah temp he sppoused to be" even though the person might be having a fever or just out of a ice bath or whatever.
Nosirree, your just a big mean denier is what you are with them figures and facts. Ain't nobody got no time for facts, we got a planet to save. |