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I mined some doge
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Posted 12/14/2024 19:27 (#11009752)
Subject: I mined some doge

Northeast Nebraska and Candelaria Philippines

Using just my laptop.

I think it will gross about 1 cent per day.

After an hour, I earned .002 dogecoin.

A dogecoin is worth 40 cents.

Its been very interesting to learn about the process though.

A miner with about 10,000x to 100,000 times the power of my laptop is about $2000. Just guessing on processing speed. It is measured in hashes, they are measured in megahashes and terahashes.

I shut it down, because my laptop was burning hot. Didn't want to melt it down.

Its amazing the power that it takes. I can more fully comprehend the mining and data centers power usage now.

I found some old out dated miners for $300. Still multiple times slower than new miners, but I might try one. Just interesting learning and hobby.

Maybe I will get lucky and doge will go to $100!

Edited by kggonzo 12/14/2024 19:38

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