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Athlete's foot
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   Forums List -> Kitchen TableMessage format
Posted 12/17/2024 17:37 (#11014089 - in reply to #11013862)
Subject: RE: Athlete's foot

chickenqueen - 12/17/2024 13:48

How desperate are you that you would put up smelling like copertox!!!???

As others have said, vinegar would be my go too and the smell won't linger like coppertox.....bleh

I had almost all the time at JB ,truck pulled out floors were washed . We walked in water or damp floors almost every shift . I treated it with red scotch brite and lacquer thinner . Mine was worse on bottoms of feet . What finally cured it ( besides retiring ) was that powder in the yellow can and rotating work boots . I’d put my pair of boots outside when it was hot . Dry and hot seem to kill it . I also used rubbing alcohol at times . Keeping fresh socks to change at noon helped too .
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