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Backhoe vs 10 ton Excavator
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Posted 12/18/2024 08:05 (#11014844 - in reply to #11012795)
Subject: RE: Backhoe vs 10 ton Excavator

Fairbury, NE (Southeast)
The mini will be super handy but you will find the 20-25 tons with a few hours are the same price and although clumsy in a few spots give you a ton of options and speed on the bigger jobs. A good speed here would be a quarter mile trench 4 ft deep in 5ish hours with a 25 ton hoe. That productivity really adds up if you do that kind of thing often.

If you have a loader you could rip roots with the mini and tip with the loader. Where the larger hoe, you just rip the roots and tip over. Thumb is not an absolute but a huge help on either size.
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