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Real farm yields from planting both corn and beans into dead/green covers.
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Posted 12/18/2024 19:06 (#11015807)
Subject: Real farm yields from planting both corn and beans into dead/green covers.

As I have been planting cover crops for quite sometime now, I've never have done a side by side test of planting corn and beans into killed early cover vs planting green. I'm now planting cereal rye all the time because its by fall the easiest to do and seems to be doing a good job of helping to keep my soil on my fields plus other benefits. I have planted both corn and beans into killed early rye and planting into green all the way from 2' tall to 6'+ tall, excellent yields with both. So killed rye early going into beans this year , corn got planted green. Some good bean yields, some not, all rain dependent, same with corn, though I have some record yields where planted into headed out rye, but got lots of rain in July. So does anyone see yields that are consistently better with one or the other? Just thinking ahead to spring, thanks.
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