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agleader harness diagrams for 1200,7500, steer command, etc
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Posted 12/19/2024 07:51 (#11016484 - in reply to #11015805)
Subject: RE: agleader harness diagrams for 1200,7500, steer command, etc

North Central Iowa
Good luck, I never found anything reasonably comprehensive. Within the individual installation manuals, there are partial diagrams for that particular piece of a system. You’ll have to look through the manuals for the individual pieces and then the installation instructions for vehicle kits to sort it all out. Which one can find on ag leaders knowledge base, but takes awhile to even figure out what you are looking for. For all of Trimble’s faults, they did have comprehensive cabling guides for their systems.

I originally was going to go the used route on a relatively modern system and try to piece together. On first system, quickly realized that couldn’t I wasn’t going to find out enough to be comfortable to know what I needed.

Now that I’ve got a couple installed…probably not a problem to do.
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