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Fertilizing the field borders
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Posted 12/19/2024 08:49 (#11016588 - in reply to #11016553)
Subject: RE: Wash with volume and time and you won't have a problem.

North Central US
brad c - 12/19/2024 08:32

The subject line had the first part of his sentence.....and he's right. 

Well, apparently we must be doing something wrong with Deere 9350s and 50 year old Concords and Bourgaults that haven't rusted out yet. All the drills here are that way, and the only ones that are rusted out are the ones who don't wash them.

You have to wash them, with water. Lots of water and you're not "looks like it is all out" but a few hours and a few hundred, possibly thousand gallons later wash. A pressure washer will only make it worse, you want lots of flow and very little pressure as you're trying to flush it, make it dissolve and move, not spray it from one side to the other. Hot water helps significantly here as well.

Edited by GS2 12/19/2024 08:49
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