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Access to affordable land neutralizes price......
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Posted 12/19/2024 14:40 (#11017132 - in reply to #11017108)
Subject: RE: Access to affordable land neutralizes price......

central Indiana
nice sentiment white shadow but here is reality in todays world. Been farming a piece for my cousins for 53 years. Do all upkeep, tile, lime, fence rows, mow road sides with my lawn mower etc on and on. Well after a dozen attempts to buy the property and them never once agreeing to a price of any kind I receive a quit notice this fall and informed they have signed a purchase agreement with another party. Was it more money than I could give....who knows but yes it probably was but we will never know. Last discussion was we are not ready to sell but if we ever do you will be the first to know. Well that is todays world for the most part. rarely been this depressed.

Edited by mcfarm 12/19/2024 14:42
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