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Anyone care to share some soil tests from high yielding spots
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Dan Loehr
Posted 12/19/2024 15:53 (#11017205 - in reply to #11017096)
Subject: RE: Anyone care to share some soil tests from high yielding spots

Holland, Indiana (SW IN)
Our plan for corn every acre we're expecting high yields every where

What is lacking make available
don't make the roots look for it

N, Sulfur and Zn at planting 2 X 0 X 2
spread on dry P, K, and N and ammonium sulfate --our soil tests are high so we're spreading at 6" tall "full use out of the N from DAP"
Y drop 60# of N, ATS and some liquid K 15" tall
total sulfur over 25 pounds

N--- 3 shots 250# total N after soybeans

our soil tests ---- PH is 6.5+ ---- P 60 lbs + ---- K 300 Lbs +


Edited by Dan Loehr 12/19/2024 15:55
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