| My best field of corn this year had no business being as good as it was. Farm is on the wetter side with just a few old spotty tile. It didn't get planted until the last week of May, and it doesn't have spectacular fertility. It had ~150#/ac potash and ~200# map vrt strip tilled the fall before to address some of the fertility.
The best grid was 300-350 bpa.
Soil samples on that grid:
P 24 ppm
K 179 ppm
ph 6.84
OM 4.16%
CEC 17.6
K base sat 2.19%
Ca base sat 61.19%
Mg base sat 22.25%
My best beans made more sense. It was on a better farm, systematically tiled, first planted, has generally had good fertility, had chicken litter the fall before. I pulled new samples after harvest this year and they were low, but I think it might be an outlier from the dry weather because past soil samples have generally been pretty good on this farm.
The best grid was ~90 bpa.
Soil samples on that grid:
P 22 ppm
K 131 ppm
ph 6.16
OM 4.45%
CEC 13.9
K base sat 2.03%
Ca base sat 49.42%
Mg base sat 22.6% | |