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Litter spreader? What brand
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Posted 12/20/2024 04:56 (#11017849 - in reply to #11014307)
Subject: RE: Litter spreader? What brand

North East Texas
We ran Chandler spreaders for a lot of years but got tired of bridging issues and went with an Artex SB spreader with Cyclone Spreader. Hell of a lot more spreader than a chandler plus you can get brakes and scales which were a priority for us. More money but you get what to pay for.

(IMG_3568 (full).jpeg)

(IMG_3565 (full).jpeg)

Attachments IMG_3568 (full).jpeg (169KB - 12 downloads)
Attachments IMG_3565 (full).jpeg (171KB - 10 downloads)
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