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1500 Pound Holsteins. Take The Money and Run?
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Posted 12/20/2024 07:40 (#11018019 - in reply to #11014920)
Subject: RE: 1500 Pound Holsteins. Take The Money and Run?

Thanks for the replies. I decided that since I planned to attend the "Holstein Special" at Sheldon Livestock I would take a sample along to test the market.

Just 4 head, weighed 1553 and brought $1.77. I am very happy with that.

The rest might just stick around for 2 or 3 weeks. They're good enough quality to push to 1600.

FWIW I only brought 7 HXA 570 pound crosses home. At least I had a couple of hundred bucks for gas left after the trade!
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