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sj3788 - real world data on covers you asked about earlier
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Posted 12/20/2024 07:46 (#11018040 - in reply to #11017937)
Subject: RE: sj3788 - real world data on covers you asked about earlier

Southeast WI
I think precision planting rye with strips left open to plant corn in, or just plain fall stripping into drilled/broadcast rye would be the Cadillac treatment. I only spring strip with the pluribus when it's too wet to notill on the lower ground. If it's corn on corn I will plan on stripping wetter soils. Preferred plant method is always notill if I can. Time and locations have limited how many different trials I can do.

Part of posting here is to encourage others to do similar work. Sometimes I take undo criticism from a few posters and I don't understand what is wrong with their brains having to make attacks. One of our rules here is you can't be offended so no worries :)

Dr Shalamar Armstrong from Purdue was at our WWASH Conf this week talking about exactly what you want to do. Look up his work as he has trials in IL and IN. I've heard Shalamar talk a few times and he does impressive work.
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