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How many computers do you own?
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Jeff in ND
Posted 12/20/2024 07:57 (#11018064 - in reply to #11017715)
Subject: RE: How many computers do you own?

RR Valley, ND; MN native

~1984 Radio Shack Color Computer (haven't used it since maybe 1991, it was my college computer)
~1992 Desktop (has windows 95 on it, don't really use it anymore, but I keep it i working order)
~2001 Laptop (has windows Me on it, found in dumpster some years ago, seldom use it)
~2002 Tower (has Linux, given to me by guy at the office when he was cleaning out junk)
~2005 Mini-tower (has windows XP, used to be my daily driver but seldom gets used anymore)
~2005 Mini-tower (has Linux, found on the curb some years ago).
~2012 Tower (now has windows 10, was 7. Daily driver)
~2013 Laptop (windows 10, daily driver)
~2014 Laptop (windows 10, mini sized, found in dumpster some years ago, spare)
~2019 Laptop (windows 11, just got it last week as a refurb business class)

Looking at this list, I only ever bought 5 of the 10. The others were dumpster or curb finds basically. The most I ever paid for one was about $1500 for that 1992 desktop.
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