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Elon tossing farmers under bus again.
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Posted 12/20/2024 11:00 (#11018438 - in reply to #11018418)
Subject: RE: Elon tossing farmers under bus again.

nc ks
MattNWOH - 12/20/2024 09:51

Elon is an illegal immigrant who should be deported, yet he seems to have total control of the government! With the impending deportations the irony is too great. You voted for this farmers.

Elon overstayed his education visa. He quit school and took a job and then subsequently lied on his application for citizenship. They’re going to use reasons like that to deport people they don’t like. I bet Elon gets to stay though. No hypocrisy there at all.

Good job farmer installing the billionaire grifter to lead the country. Quit pretending this administration isn’t going to do anything but enrich itself.

What’s that? Now they want to eliminate the debt ceiling completely? Geeee I wonder why they’d want to do that. Fat chance anything far gets cut!

Reagan had a commission to cut government spending. Congress enacted absolutely zero of the cuts the commission recommends. I expect the same this time and spending to increase. You’re all a bunch of goobers if you think anything they do is in the country’s best interest.

An illegal immigrant is running agriculture! Good job guys! You did it!

I would say you have 3 fingers pointing at the goober.
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