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Dekalb 68-35 and 66-06
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Posted 12/20/2024 18:24 (#11019012 - in reply to #11018951)
Subject: RE: Dekalb 68-35 and 66-06

Eastern Shore of MD
I have not seen 66-06 at all. 68-35 was 2nd in our irrigated plot this year and we are planting some next year in high yield potential irrigated situation. 68-35's plant type was appealing as it was not that tall...I have no idea how it handles stress.

We are planting more of 214-78 than any other hybrid. It just seems to beat whatever is beside it in field situation from droughty sand to high end irrigated. Drydown is also good for a 114. Its height scares me a bit also but it so far has had good stalks and we have not seen it lodge yet. Also grain quality was not the greatest this year but a lot of hybrids had that issue here.

Edited by MD GenX 12/20/2024 18:27
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