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Raw Milk, what am I missing?
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Posted 12/21/2024 07:50 (#11019602 - in reply to #11019580)
Subject: RE: Raw Milk, what am I missing?

What is probably missing is probabilities and balancing benefits versus risks. This thread will probably generate a lot of back-and-forth about not knowing anyone that ever got sick from the hundreds or thousands of people that we all knew as kids that drank raw milk. Someone will take the other side and discuss the risks of zoonotic diseases that can be transferred from cattle to humans. Not a whole lot of modern food that doesn’t come with risk if you are honest about it. Regulatory standards are different all over the world, food safety within plants dramatically from location to location and country to country, pick your risk. Alcohol, fast food, processed food, tobacco, pharmaceuticals, generalized obesity and Metabolic issues coming from horrible diets, Personally, I would say that raw milk might be a touchdown the list compared to some of the other chronic issues. Everyone makes their choices.
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