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Raw Milk, what am I missing?
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Posted 12/21/2024 09:17 (#11019754 - in reply to #11019663)
Subject: RE: Raw Milk, what am I missing?


Red Paint - 12/21/2024 07:24 There’s a reason that people who grew up on dairies drinking bulk tank milk didn’t get sick. A mixture of occupational exposure to those pathogens every day in the barn, and an immune system that has been exposed to them since birth. Those two factors make a huge difference. The average suburbanite who suddenly decides they want raw milk, and has never touched a cow in their life, is going to get sick at some point. And when these stories hit the news, it causes damage to the entire dairy industry, including the producers and bottlers who do things right.

No exposure = no immunity  
so, eat some dirt, run bare foot through the cow pies and drink from the garden hose :)

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