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forage sorguhm
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turbo diesal
Posted 12/21/2024 11:04 (#11019945)
Subject: forage sorguhm

I have planted grain sorghum and sorghum sudan. I have never used "forage sorghum" the tall stuff that is typically chopped for silage.

On paper it looks good because the yields are so large. Are there other good ways to use it besides silage? Could it be grazed in the summer or as a winter stockpile? What about swath grazing? Cut it at the most opportune time with a mover/swather and than graze the strips. I hear it is tough on equipment though, not sure if it would plug up a moco or swather? Does the feed value plummet really fast if not cut at the perfect time?

The last time I grazed sorghum Sudan I did not get the amount of grazing days I wanted and the regrowth was poor so I am trying to look for alternatives in situations were one grazing would be more practical than multiple trips through the field.
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