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Tank heaters that calves wont chew
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Posted 12/21/2024 11:45 (#11020002 - in reply to #11019905)
Subject: RE: Tank heaters that calves wont chew

lawfarms - 12/21/2024 10:42

We have 8 bottle calves from this year and have been enjoying them in The back yard sweet corn field we fenced off.

We have a cut off IBC caged tote we are using to water them with a hose from the house.

We have power cord down there and the calves chewed up the heater cord and the end of the extension cord. Its on a gfi outlet form the house.

Any suggestions on how we can heat the water to limit ice?

This has been a good learning experience for my 14 year old who is in charge of the calves. The calves from 2023 are in another pasture with a Covett waterer that doesnt freeze over so he was spoiled and this is character building.

My 10 year old points out the chickens left their heater alone and he doesn't have to break ice…

From here it looks like I would drop that tank heater into a 2” pvc . Then tie that pvc firmly into the middle of the tank. Likely would move tank to fence and extend pvc outside fence line. Pvc would not have a cap at bottom on tank or hole in a cap. An idea……
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