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Raw Milk, what am I missing?
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Jeff in ND
Posted 12/21/2024 12:47 (#11020092 - in reply to #11019580)
Subject: RE: Raw Milk, what am I missing?

RR Valley, ND; MN native
We had dairy until I was 17 and drank milk from our herd. It was pasteurized with an electric counter top unit. Grandparents had one as well and I have a 1952 photo of their kitchen and you can see the pasteurizer sitting right there on the counter. There was no electric on the farm until '44 so not sure what they did (if anything) before that. Dad always talked about how often he was sick as a kid in the 30s and during the war years. All they had was whatever the farm provided. I suspect all those cracked eggs had something to do with things. All the good ones got sold and the family ate the cracked ones.
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