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Wild cattle.
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Posted 12/21/2024 13:06 (#11020114 - in reply to #11019883)
Subject: RE: Wild cattle.

lacockcattleco - 12/21/2024 09:29

If we sold cows/equipment right now we could pay off all debt. Lease income would be 1-1.2 million a year. Split it in half with little brother. Easy retirement at 34. I won’t do it and I don’t want to raise kids who don’t know what it takes when times get tough, or how to do the things that are truly fulfilling for that matter. Long game player here too, and I love the game, just getting started. Chores all done before 9, so much more fun on the days when I’ve got a couple boys here helping.

I read your first line and started thinking about this being a business. Really tempted to do that. Most of our owned pasture could be farmed. Not sure of the total tax Implications if I sold almost every cow.

But the rest of your comments hit home. Except I'm 15 years older and tired and lately have experienced that there is more to life than working all the time.

Selling probably half the bred heifers next month and should siphon off some older cows. If I cut numbers in half I would still be in a position to build back up in the future.

There is just something satisfying to having boys and nephews putting up hay and working cattle. Lessons and experience learned is priceless.
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