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Economy nearing collapse
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Posted 12/21/2024 13:16 (#11020122 - in reply to #11020099)
Subject: RE: Economy nearing collapse

Crossroad of flood and drought
BeerBudgetFarms - 12/21/2024 12:56

FNS - 12/21/2024 10:48

JC STONE - 12/21/2024 08:41

You can help. I'm sure there are many non profits that will take your donation.

have donated to 5 adapt a family's locally thru church and school this Christmas.

what have you done

you should probably have a church named after you

Why? Someone insinuated that I don’t support my local community and I simply replied with what I’ve done the last month and asked what they have done.

What have you done to help the less fortunate during the holidays?
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