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Compact tractors.
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Posted 12/21/2024 14:29 (#11020190 - in reply to #11018858)
Subject: RE: Compact tractors.

NW Iowa
I have a New Holland TC45DA. I've had it 10 years. I love the tractor. For me it is better than a skid loader. It has a loader with several attachments for it. Use the forks a lot moving pallets and such around. It's so handy to get on and off.
I have a number of 3 point attachments including a tiller, a 3 point trencher, box blade regular blade, bush hog, finish mower. This tractor has the 2 speed shift on the go which is very handy. Added a quick hitch and hydraulic top link which is very handy. Can't answer on the backhoe or on the Kubota. But I'm not planning on getting rid of my New Holland. I have a 1066 with loader and cab for large things and snow removal.
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