| Hi Herbie,
I assume you’re talking about the black box before the evc valves (to the right looking at picture). If so that’s the boom prime valve, it’s just facing the wrong way around for a reason I can’t remember.
The green valves have all been adjusted and checked not so long ago, I usually do a pre season check with includes checking pressure movements when each section is turned off.
At front of sprayer I have a self cleaning filter just before delivery line goes to the back of sprayer. Just before the filter a line tees off and goes to my pressure regulator which then flows back through to my suction side. To be honest I’ve never got my head around how that regulates the pressure.
I believe the issue has came from cutting the return line in tank shorter but not sure. If this is the case it also doesn’t help answer why my non drip valves leaked prior either.
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