Chebanse, IL..... | plowpusher
I don't believe you're allowed to insinuate that not all is kosher with winning, or consistently winning corn contests. Actually, I don't think you're supposed to even question results.
Something that irks me a bit is that's it's obvious that many of the winners of various classes just enter every class. You'll see the same name (sometimes they use their wife's name, or another relative) winning the strip-till irrigated, the strip-till non-irrigated, the no-till, the no-till non-irrigated, the conventional irrigated, the conventional non-irrigated, etc.
Seems there's some thought that in case you don't win one of those classes, you'll win another. I understand there's the possibility of entering the irrigated class without using irrigation.
There's more to winning the contests than just planting the right corn and walking into your field every day & looking around. I think that was one Francis Child's methods. Go out there every day & look at the corn. That in itself will add 50 bu.....shrunk bus. |