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Farm semi llc question
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mike in sw mn
Posted 12/22/2024 09:45 (#11021106 - in reply to #11019733)
Subject: RE: Farm semi llc question

Walnut Grove MN USA
After going through JD8850 scenario almost exactly I can share my experience. I asked my lawyer after writing out his check if a LLC would have helped, he said no. The days of the big huge ridiculous settlements are gone. That was 10 years ago, seems to me they might be coming back somewhat now. His advice was carry as much as insurance as you can stand, that is the first target a lawyer is going after. After that things get tougher when going after assets and the defense has some protections in place by law. They cannot touch your house or 160 acres attached to it. As for needing a cdl if you do run a LLC I don’t know but you definitely need to find out before doing anything because then you need to change a lot of other stuff as well if you do.
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