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Jacks vs Bison
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Posted 12/22/2024 10:43 (#11021173 - in reply to #11021079)
Subject: RE: Jacks vs Bison

SE North Dakota
Simocattle - 12/22/2024 09:25

Stadium only holds 20,000 so not sure how NDSU can get more people there but oh well sounds like a good story. Be careful there might be more Bobcat fans than Bison fans there.

Well believe it or not but there are people that actually go there for just the social events and don’t even attend the game. A lot will make the trip from their winter places from Arizona or Texas just to drink with all their friends from North Dakota. It’s turned into quite the cult following Which is why Frisco wants Fargo there so bad every year so yes it is all about money. So there is more than 20000 that show up and there will be way way more bison fans there than Montana St fans. They got this thing down to a science. They are probably already getting their tickets for next season booked already. lol.
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