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   Forums List -> Precision TalkMessage format
Posted 12/24/2024 15:22 (#11024346)
Subject: Compatibility?!?!?

Refer to the tread below and many other treads about compatibility:

the idea to make electronic implement controll Tactor - implement and implement-tactor was mid 90 th in the unisversity Munich/Germany the so called LBS Norm.
Beginning 200 it has been changed to ISOBUS Norm.
AEF organisation is watching this norm and most of tracotr and Implement manufachturers do follow this norm.
All World is talking about COMPATIBILITY etwqeen all manufactures!

But now, still 25 years later, some manufacturer e.g. partly John Deere! do not follow the ISOBUSNORM.
so e.g John Deere tells customers, buy eveerything in green with yellow rims and all will be OK. THis might work for US farmers which make a lot of money, but not in other areas in the world, where Farmers are working with very mixed fleed (Tractors and or Implements)

So the question is: Do farmers not need compatibility? Do farmers not ask for compatibility?
I think farmers are expecting compatibility!?!

Some month ago, at an international precission farming conference i did complain in a discussion about the problem on compatibility in agriculture electronics...

And an older chief developer from one of the biggest agriculture companies gave me following answer as a question: "Do you want that everyone other is compatible with your wife?"

I hope this aswer explains the situation?

Anyway: As long as even US Amrikcan Farmers do not ask for 100% ISOBUS compatibility it´s not neccesarry for manufacturer to follow the norm and can "cook thier own meal! So please do not complain as long as you do buy incompatible toys! You have to ask in written form your dealer and have to note in on a contract that the tractor and/or Implement is 100% ISOBUS comaptible!
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