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Greenstar 7000 To A GS2 Display?
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Posted 12/25/2024 11:39 (#11025455 - in reply to #11024956)
Subject: RE: Greenstar 7000 To A GS2 Display?

Yes. It's because SF2 was the best correction available since a GS2's last update, and what you're viewing in large letters is from the ISO screen.

Because I'm nosy, I looked up the coordinates on your screen. What are the dark lines around your pivot towers?

Edited by GcDm2010 12/25/2024 12:16

(Screenshot from 2024-12-25 12-18-31 (full).png)

Attachments Screenshot from 2024-12-25 12-18-31 (full).png (88KB - 17 downloads)
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