Bavaria/Germany | JAnderson - 12/25/2024 23:11
Should make it in a ISO ECU so then any display/ISO UT can be used with the path recording.
I can think of several farm operations where I would use this. But I’m not going to add another monitor into the cab.
Yes you are right so far. I do have a ECU for ISO>BUS functionallity. But I do currently not see a reason to market it as ISOBUS Version officiall.
As you might know, In Europe organic farming is in many regions very poppular. ca 30% of Farmers are working "chemical free" and do need such technic. And EUroepan farmers are working with in the front hitch mounted harrows (very different to north or south America and Australia.
So they need to have the pathes and need to trensfer sthem in to Autosteer. as you see in the you tube video...
And this was and still is in the "factory" Autosteer systems very difficult. As you know, all Autosteersystems are made (softwaresite) that the path is in the middle of the rearaxle. So to keep a trcotr exactly on trac the frontsteering is going allwasy a bit left and right... So if you mount a front harrow, its nearly impossible to be accurate very close to the rows.
What i have made: I did change the Steeringsoftware that the path is taken under the middle of the frontaxle. A frontaxle is reacting like a moving frame!
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