Near Intersection of I-35 & I-90 Southern Mn. | One thought might be to try to get your respective banks involved. Having your banker talk to his banker might be worth the effort.
A few years ago, I had interest in some DemCo Sidequest tanks from a private party who had listed them in the AgTalk Classifieds. I listed my current saddle tanks on the AgTalk Classified. A different party expressed interest in my items.
Both parties asked the right questions and had appropriate answers so the deals were made. Since the parties were some distance away, I borrowed a trailer and made a day trip out of the deliveries.
I delivered my saddle tanks to the first party. He gave me a personal check and offered to lead me to his local bank to cash it. I thanked him but declined the offer as he seemed very reputable.
I then drove to the second party to pick up the Demco tanks. I wrote him a personal check and offered to go with him to his bank so they could call my bank and check on me. He thanked me and declined the offer. All worked out well but in both cases, I was actually present to assess the items and the person.
This will be more difficult in your case since you will not be present.