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data/guidance managment in a trimble tmx help
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Posted 12/31/2024 15:56 (#11035066 - in reply to #11034151)
Subject: RE: data/guidance managment in a trimble tmx help

New Zealand
You have to select all lines you want in that field and export them into a single shapefile. The FMX system, including FMX plus stores the guidance lines in one shapefile per field. So all lines for a specific field will be in one shapefile. I guess that when you import a shapefile with only one line in it, it replaces the existing file, leaving you with only the one line that you exported.
Unfortunately I cannot tell you how to do it in SMS, I still use an old version of Farmworks for my needs.

If I had to do what you want to do here, I would copy the field from your Trimble display onto a usb, then copy the AgGPS folder from your usb to somewhere on your computer. (now you have a safety copy of that field with all lines saved on your computer).
Then I would open the usb, open the AgGPS folder and data folder, and rename the client folder to something like "xxxx test". When you import that to SMS, hopefully it will create a separate entry as "xxxx test" and not interfere with your existing data. (Once you are done you can delete the xxxx test client in SMS.)
Add the line you want to the field you just imported, and delete any you do not want in that field anymore.
Clear the files off you usb drive, then export the field back to the usb drive.
Open the usb drive, open the AgGPS then data folders and rename the client back to the proper name. Open the client folder and check that only one farm name with the correct name is there. Delete any unwanted ones. Then open that farm folder and check that only one field name is there, again, delete any unwanted ones.
You can now import into the Trimble display. Once you have done that , check that you only have the lines you want. If it created duplicates, delete all the lines in that field and import one more time.

This workflow with renaming folders might seem a bit cumbersome, but it is to avoid to create duplicates in your existing data in SMS.
Again, I do not know how SMS works, so you might have to do some steps different.

If you want, you can send me shapefiles with all the lines you want in that field and I can put it together in a single file.

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