Near Intersection of I-35 & I-90 Southern Mn. | Wow, I having been playing with Arduino and ESP 32 microcontrollers the last couple of Winters as a hobby. Most have just been blinky LED type projects. I've built a couple of projects that have actually been useful such as a batcher to help me mix batches of spray and remote shed door openers that can be controlled with a smartphone or tablet. None of my projects are anywhere near the complexity of what you have described.
I have a bit of formal electronic training but the majority of what I have learned about microcontrollers and possible applications has been from YouTube Videos and some websites online. A lot has been the copy an example sketch and make modifications to see the result type learning. A good share has been the time honored approach of Trial & Error. Somedays, the "Error" is very prevalent although I sometimes learn from it.
I'm curious as to what resources you have used to get to your level of understanding. Have you taken formal courses?
Keep posting as I find this very interesting. I like your idea of "keeping your expectations low" as then it is much easier to be happy with the results. BTDT
Edited by tedbear 1/1/2025 06:39